We cherish and utilize the whole potato
This is how we do it
In recent years, we have invested a great deal to upgrade our by-products for human consumption. Whereas in 2019, 3% of our by-product streams were re-purposed for human consumption, by 2023 this will already be 12%. Our flake lines give snippets and small fries that are cut too small a chance to still be used for chips, binder for pasta or bread enhancer.
From food to energy
The benefits of this are twofold. First, we reduce the flow going out to animal feed. Especially since the number of production animals in Belgium is decreasing. Second, with our flakes we ensure that other potato processors that use whole potatoes for chips can use their potatoes differently and optimally.
But even chains below human consumption can be beneficial, either to reduce the need for other sources of energy, or as an energy source itself. For example, our raw scraps and steam peels, which we sell to compound feed producers, reduce the need for fodder beets or corn for cattle feed. We are also working with Engie, which placed a digester 10 kilometers from our site. They buy up by-product streams to turn them into biogas.
Other notable valorization advancements include:
The use of white starch for the paper and glue industry.
The utilization of gray starch for alcohol or polymer base products.
Testing to make bioplastics from our steam peels.