This website is owned and operated by
Agristo nv – Ridder de Ghellinckstraat 9, 8710 Wielsbeke, Belgium
Business number: 0425.038.558
VAT-number: BE0425.038.558
By using this website, you accept and agree to our terms and conditions mentioned below.
Agristo NV has compiled the contents of this website with utmost care and does every possible effort to guarantee that all the information is correct. The information (texts, images, hyperlinks) on this website is solely meant as general information. Using this information is at your own risk. So, Agristo NV is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage arising from or connected to the use of this website or the impossibility to consult the website. Agristo NV reserves the right at all times to correct or change the information on the website or to delete all information or part of it.
Intellectual property rights
Agristo NV reserves all intellectual rights on the website and the information (texts, images) it contains. Users may read the contents and make a copy for personal use in accordance with the stipulations of Belgian copyright rules.
“Agristo” is a protected word and figurative trademark.
Competent Law and Court
Belgian law governs these terms and conditions. The court of Kortrijk will deal with any dispute.
Protection of your personal information
Agristo NV respects your privacy. The information submitted to us through our website, will be processed in strict confidence. For more information you can consult our privacy statement.
Questions and remarks
If you have questions or remarks about the contents of this website, please send an email to marketing@agristo.com