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Looking for sponsorship for your event? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Venecoweg 12
9810 Nazareth Belgium
+32 (0)56 54 09 00
Waterstraat 40
8531 Harelbeke Belgium
+32 (0)56 73 50 50

Frequently asked questions

At your service

We do not privately own our fries stalls. So, we’ll have to decide if the event’s purpose would fit this possible request.

We do not provide forks, but you can get either a paper cone bag or a tray.

You can order up to 500 bags of frozen fries. No other products are eligible.

You can collect your frozen fries during weekdays only in Harelbeke or Nazareth. The exact location will be confirmed upon reviewing your request. Pickup is possible from 8.30am to 5 pm from Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4pm on Friday.