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Crispy ready salted thin cut fries

Food Service
Taste the perfect balance of saltiness, coated to perfection
These thin cut extra long fries have an invisible layer that allows them to stay crispy for up to 15 min. The bonus? That same layer also gives no fryer crumb residue. With salt already being added before, you save on time and ensure taste consistency to provide an optimal taste experience to your customers.
  • Ready salted
  • Invisible layer
  • Free from gluten
  • Clean label
  • Extra long

Cooking instructions

Fryer crispy ready salted thin cut fries

3 - 4 min at 175°C

Savor the flavor, let's try our delicious products

The bottom line is, there isn’t anything (reasonable) we wouldn’t do for you. We don’t just help you out with a batch or two of processed taters – we stand by you every step of the way to help you