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Here’s how you can make a difference

4 out of 5 shoppers does not decide upfront what (customer) brand they’ll buy. Taste still is a prime driver in the path to purchase, but good packaging that provides taste reassurance has become a prerequisite in buyer recruitment and retention. Let’s look at some criteria for good packaging and how private label brands can still improve on this.

Okay, so picture this: you’re in a hurry. Your brain is already overwhelmed and tired after a busy day. Standing in front of the shelves, you have to choose between dozens of possible products. What do you do?

Short, clear messaging

You’re going to pick the product that has simple and powerful product communication. Your copy needs to tell a story. No beating around the bush, but clearly establishing the selling points. Sells the benefit, not the feature. And think about the hierarchy of information. Good price? Rather repetitive. Sustainable? Yes, but find the right angle. Did you know that consumers are often not aware potato products are vegan? What’s obvious to us, isn’t always obvious to the shopper. But mostly it’s about time and energy, and how to spend it efficiently.

The rise of air fryer usage is still a big opportunity for retail brands. Integrate energy-efficient and less time-consuming cooking methods on your packaging. Especially air fryer instructions as many households already own and use an air fryer more than once a week. However, air fryer instructions aren’t standard in many packaging designs.

Moving on to the look and feel of the packaging itself. We see 3 elements that can incentivize buyer intent.

  • Fun packaging

    Food should be tasty, but the packaging should be fun. We’ve already established people buy with their eyes. The look, style and appeal of your packaging is level with taste. If you want to push the sustainable narrative, you might be seduced by green and yellow tints. The result: a bland packaging solution. Research has shown packaging looks can positively or negatively alter taste perception. The wrapping looks good? More likely you’ll experience the food as good.
  • Conscious packaging

    People value sustainability. People value authenticity. Both can go hand in hand. Shoppers tend to be more chauvinistic than they care to admit. Do you have a local, sustainably sourced product? Have you considered adding a vegan or clean label certificate? Or what about integrating your country of origin’s national colors? People will notice these (subtle) cues.
  • Smart packaging

    The times they are a-changing. AI innovations are right around the corner, but you can already do so much to bridge that gap between the shopping experience in store and online. After all, you only have limited space on your packaging. Want to let your storytelling come to life digitally? Or highlight key products benefits? Adding QR codes to your packaging will open up all sorts of possibilities. Don’t limit your brand exposure to the shelf. Smart packaging also means thinking about the right color schemes and blocks. People need an easy focal point: positioning your brand color swatch in the middle of the packaging instead of the side will make it easier for shoppers to navigate and browse the shelf.