SmartChef Convenience
Your time saving sous-chef
Our Convenience range is designed to make your kitchen run like a well-oiled machine. Products that are ready-to-serve, providing consistent quality all year round, across the many restaurants in your chain.
SmartChef Convenience is a great solution for chef’s active in casual dining or fast casual restaurants. After all, these are settings where efficiency and reliability are key. Our products provide user-friendly cooking instructions and serving suggestions for untrained kitchen helps, ensuring consistent and quick results.
Perfect portion & cost control
Our potato products also ensure:
consistent serving sizes
enabling portion control
dish uniformity and consequently
minimising food waste
maximizing cost control
maximizing inventory management.
Classic mash vs SmartChef mash
Making classical and authentic mash? Laborsome. Peeling and cutting the potatoes, heating the milk, adding the butter, boiling … Even for trained chefs it’s hard to cut corners here. SmartChef mash eliminates lots of time-draining steps, taking prep time from about half an hour to a quick 5 minutes. Prevent a smash-and-grab on your time with SmartChef mash.
SmartChef Convenience products
Our Convenience range presents you products that require crafty hands and would otherwise take up a lot of time. From exciting and difficult to cut shapes to portioned servings and ingredient-rich menu staples. Adding big value to chef’s dishes with little effort.
Choose your dish, change your rhythm
Looking for additional products that give chefs some leeway for a signature finishing touch?