Conscious, clean, vegan
Next gen and market desire more sustainability in food

Despite today’s cost-of-living crisis, rising consciousness among consumers is making headway. Yes, affordability remains firmly in second—after taste—as a driver for buyer intent. But sustainability, and sustainably-driven purchasing is becoming more common in certain markets and among younger generations of consumers.
Sustainability rising as driver buying intent
“How do I care for the planet?” is a question increasingly posed by consumers. A growing group of conscious value seekers. We’re talking about a large group of millennials and Gen Z and a broader spectrum of consumers in the French and German markets. They have declared they don’t feel the frozen potato category is “sustainable enough”. In general, 1 out of 2 consumers wants to see improvement.
Vegan, naturally
What’s strange? Beyond a big desire for locally sourced products and products with no additives, such as clean label products, our research shows they also feel they lack vegan options. Weird, right? Because—apart from our fries prepped in duck fat or cheesy gratins—almost all our potato products are vegan, naturally! Could it be that modern consumers have become dependent on labelling to verify the seemingly obvious? Food for thought. While meat-free substitutes tend to shy away from vegan labels, fearing it will offput shoppers, this could be worth experimenting with for potato inspired products.
Done clean, done right
Want to attract the increasingly conscious generations and markets? This is how you can clearly weave your vegan and clean label claim into your packaging design.
A selection of our clean label products

Duchess potatoes

Potato Balls


Pure mashed potatoes

Smiling bears