Sidewinders® fries
So much more than a side
Consumers want to be able to choose. They crave an alternative option, they crave a second fry. When speaking fries, your second fry should be a supreme fry. One ready to take center stage. Lifting your menu while maximizing profitability. Meet our Sidewinders® fries*.
*SIDEWINDERS® is a registered trademark of the J.R. Simplot Company and is used under license on proprietary and patented french-fry products.
What sets it aside?
Its shape. Providing you that golden combination as you experience pure potato taste thanks to a generous, fluffy middle and a super crispy texture on the outer ends. We give it some extra crisp by adding a gluten-free layer, helping create a rustic look. Furthermore, plate coverage is over 40% better compared to regular fries.
Endless applications
The options go as far as your imagination dares to take you.

or standalone side

You can dip it...

or load it...
Visually enticing and irresistibly crispy, exclusively Foodservice Europe & UK
Good plate coverage
Easy to personalize/pimp
Unique shape
Perfect to share & dip
Multiple occasions
How we make it shine
Dive straight into one of our proposed recipes where our Sidewinders® fries make the entire dish stand out.

Sidewinders® fries with a burger

Sidewinders ® fries with avocado toast